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Green Jersey
Walkers can enjoy the island ‘Green Lanes.’ Jersey is well known for this most popular 45 mile network of quiet country roads, with interesting wildlife and hedgerows. Of course walkers, (and cyclists) also meander through these lanes; for a greater challenge, there are the hiking trails on the cliff paths on the north coast.
Jersey is the most Southerly of the British Isles and is often referred to as the sunniest place in Britain. The gardens benefit from this climate; you’ll enjoy the myriad of hydrangeas, yuccas, tropical palm trees and stunning evergreens.
We are happy to keep your bikes at the hotel and advise you on how to explore the nearby cycle tracks. The hotel is within a few 100 metres of two of Jersey’s best routes. Cycle route 1 is the premier Island route taking you all along the seafront to St Aubin and Corbiere lighthouse. Tracks are car-free with gentle gradients.